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Peacemakers’ Pilgrimage 1926, Grantham

Grantham voices peaceful sentiments


Routes for the Peacemakers’ Pilgrimage Archives and Special Collections, Bangor University

Routes for the Peacemakers’ Pilgrimage
© Archives and Special Collections, Bangor University

Pilgrims en route from York, Leeds and Doncaster arrived in Grantham on Monday 7 June 1926. They were welcomed by Miss Lawrence, on behalf of the local League of Nations Union. An afternoon’s leafleting was followed by a well-attended meeting in the Sessions Hall. Many speakers praised the resolve of the pilgrims. The model resolution on law, not war was proposed and carried unanimously. A collection was taken to cover the pilgrims’ expenses and to pay for a ‘name board’ for Grantham, which would be carried onwards to London to be displayed at the final rally  in Hyde Park on 19 June 1926.

References/Further Reading:

Grantham Journal, 12 June 1926.