LNU 21st ‘Anniversary Stamps’ with a stamp album were sold in 1939 for fundraising
Courtesy of Dr Glyn Price
Each branch of the League of Nations Union was independent and did not receive any funds from Headquarters. Income came from subscriptions, voluntary donations and profits of socials etc. Overheads had to be met from this income, including meeting and publicity costs and an annual ‘quota’ paid to Headquarters. (1)
The amount raised from subscriptions varied. At Burton-in-Lonsdale subscriptions ranged from 1s to 3s 6d., most people paying 1s (5p.) in 1935. At Lancaster, the rise in membership from 160 in 1921 to over 700 by 1931 must have increased the branch income. By 1925, the financial situation had improved sufficiently for the branch to be able to send a donation of over £10 to Headquarters, in addition to the quota of £20 10s. Meetings brought in income. Collections were made at the end of each meeting. In 1921, £5 6s 5d was collected at the AGM. However, publicity was expensive, and the Secretary commented at the first A.G.M., ‘the visit of Mr. J. H. Harris was much appreciated, but the propaganda was limited due to lack of funds.’ ‘Garden meetings’ and rallies in the summer months brought in funds. The annual ‘garden sale’ raised £6 6s (£6 30p.) in 1927. On occasion, members made donations directly to the branch. Conversely, the Executive itself donated funds for establishing the Skerton School Branch in 1931/2. Being a member of an LNU imposed costs above the annual subscription and was therefore a factor as to why the membership was confined to the wealthier members of the community.
References/Further Reading:
(1) Burton-in-Lonsdale LNU branch papers, 1935-39. We are most grateful to Dr Glyn Price for showing us these accounts and correspondence etc. and allowing us to use them. He inherited them from his late father, who was the Burton-in-Lonsdale Branch Secretary in 1939.
Croston LNU Branch Account Book, Archive ref: PR/3128/14/13, Lancashire Archives.
Lancaster Guardian, 21 Mar 1925, 21 Mar 1921, 21 Apr 1928 & 18 Mar 1932.