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Lancaster LNU District: Meeting at Galgate 1921

Lancaster promoting the League of Nations in the countryside
Galgate village in quieter times

Galgate village in quieter times

It was reported at the AGM  of the Lancaster League of Nations Union (LNU) in March 1921 that a meeting to promote the League of Nations Union in Galgate had been addressed by Rev. C. J. Milner, Vicar of St. John’s, Lancaster and member of the branch’s Executive Committee, in the year between April 1920 and March 1921. (1) Rev. Milner was one of the most enthusiastic of the clergy in the Lancaster LNU in spreading propaganda about the League of Nations . However, no evidence has come to light so far that a branch was formed in this industrial village, noted for its waste silk spinning. (2)

References/Further Reading

(1) Lancaster Guardian, 19 Mar 1921.
(2) T. Bulmer & Co, 1913. Bulmer’s History & Directory of Lancaster & District, 1912. Preston: Snape for Bulmer.