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Lancaster LNU District: Melling Branch

Taking the League of Nations Union to the countryside
Melling Institute, opened in 1922 © Janet Nelson

Melling Institute, opened in 1922
© Janet Nelson

A branch of the League of Nations Union  (LNU) in Melling, a rural township in the Lune Valley (1), existed in 1937. The following is taken from a newspaper article in the Lancaster Guardian that year: ‘At a meeting at the Institute, Melling, Mr. R. Culpin presiding. Mr. H. Walton Starkey, North West Representative of the League of Nations Union, gave a talk on ‘The League  Today.’ A vote of thanks was given by Mr. G. T. Whitaker. A decrease in membership was noted. The Chairman, Rev. W. J. A. Burrow, Vice-Chairman, Mr. K. Culpin, Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. T. K. Leece. On the Committee were: G.T. Whitaker, Mr. H. Whitaker, N. Newby, Mrs. Leece, Mrs. Smith and Miss Remington.’

Mr H. Walton Starkey had given a number of talks to branches in the Lancaster and District LNU area in previous years. (2) At the date of writing, no further information has come to light about the Melling LNU.

References/Further Reading:

(1) T. Bulmer & Co, 1913. Bulmer’s History & Directory of Lancaster & District, 1912. Preston: Snape for Bulmer.
(2) Lancaster Guardian, 16 Apr 1937.